Post Cycle Therapy: Objectives and drugs used

PCT or post-cycle therapy is needed in order to restore the natural hormonal background of the body after a course of anabolic steroids.

The natural level of the sex hormone testosterone is several times less than on the course. Its exogenous production is approximately 50-130 mg per week. On the course, some use up to 1000 mg, or even an order of magnitude higher. It is these hormones that are responsible for the body’s ability to build and retain excess muscles. The loss of muscle mass after the course is directly proportional to the dosages of AS (anabolic steroids).

The main task of PCT after a cycle of testosterone (or drugs such as turinabol, methandrostinolone or “methane”, propionate, nandrolone decanoate or “deca”, donabol, sustanon or “sust”, boldenone, stanozolol) is not to “dry out” or even a little -slightly gain as some want, and don’t even save muscle. Post-cycle therapy is designed to minimize the loss of gained muscle mass to the maximum.

Main tasks that PCT solves after the AS course

For effective recovery, we must:

  • as soon as possible, resume the normal synthesis of testosterone and reduce the level of female hormones (estrogens), which in the post-cycle period will be more than normal due to increased aromatization of testosterone, that is, its natural transformation into estradiol.
  • lower cortisol levels by reducing the volume of training, reducing working weights and physical activity. The body in the post-course period is weakened and cannot recover with the same strength as during the intake of pharmaceuticals. Without reducing the load, you simply “burn” your muscles.
  • to start PCT after a course of steroids, you first need to wait until the artificial hormone leaves the blood. To do this, we take into account the periods of decay of different drugs. For example, in methane, stanozolol or testosterone propionate, this period is 2-3 days maximum, and in enanthate, susta or deca it is delayed by 2-3 weeks.

Drugs that are used for PCT after the course

Drugs that are used for PCT after the course

Clomid (Clomiphene citrate of Clomed)

Weak antiestrogen, powerfully restores libido and natural testosterone production. The most common drug on PCT. It can be used after any type of steroid, including a course of turinabol, methandrostinolone or “methane”, propionate, nandrolone decanoate or “deca”, donabol, sustanon or “susta”, boldenone, stanozolol. Dosages and duration of administration depend on the doses and duration of the AS course. Consider three common options:

For PCT after light courses (for example, 50-100 tablets of methane (danabol) or stanozolol, turinabol, oxandrolone, testosterone propionate), 5-7 days of 100 mg of the drug (2 tablets) per day and 10-12 days of 50 mg are enough.

For PCT after courses with a duration of about 1.5-2.5 months, in which more than one drug is used, we take 12-14 days at 100 mg, then 15-20 days at 50 mg of clomiphene.

For heavy courses with high dosages, including three or more drugs, having a duration of more than 2 months, take 3 days for 150 mg (3 tablets), then 15 days for 100 mg and 20 days for 50 mg of Clomid.


An antiestrogen of strong action, but the restoration of the natural level of testosterone contributes less.

It is often used on the AC cycle as an antiestrogen at a dosage of 20 mg per day.

ATTENTION! Tamoxifen should not be used on or after a cycle with progesterone-active drugs such as Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Oxymethalone (Anadrol). It enhances the action of progesterone, and with it the side effects !!!

After other drugs with light courses, you can use the dosage:

  • first day 80mg;
  • 7-10 days for 40 mg;
  • another 15 days at 20 mg.


A strong antiestrogen that is used on the cycle and 2-3 weeks after it. The drug blocks the aromatization reaction (conversion of excess testosterone to estrogen), as well as unwanted side effects, including gynecomastia.


The average dosage is 0.5-1mg per day.


Powerful aromatase inhibitor. The drug restores LH, FSH and increases the production of testosterone in a natural way. It is used both on the course and after it. It copes well with gynecomastia and quickly eliminates it. It is advisable not to exceed the dosage, as drive estradiol to zero, which is not good and reduces libido.

The average dosage of letrozole is 0.5-2 mg per day.


Antiestrogen, blocks the aromatization reaction, increases libido. You need to use it at the end of the course or before PCT, since Proviron is an androgen and, although slightly, it inhibits the “native” production of testosterone.

The dosage is 50 mg per day, preferably divided into 2 times.


Reduces prolactin levels, must be used with progesterone-active drugs such as Trenbolone and Nandrolone (Deca). It perfectly fights gynecomastia, restores libido and increases testosterone production.

The average dosage of cabergoline is 0.5-1mg per week.